Who is He?

Self Improvement through Stoicism and Photography

William Scott - Private Detective

The Casefiles and other short stories

[Coming Soon]

Life is a constant evolution, a dance with change that shapes who we are and where we’re headed. And just like life, this site is transforming once more. I don’t yet know where this journey will lead, but that’s the beauty of it—each shift brings us closer to where we’re meant to be.

Change is not a sign of uncertainty, but of growth. It’s the path we must take to uncover our true purpose. And while we may not always understand where life is guiding us, it’s in the act of seeking, of embracing the flow, that we discover our direction.

Imagine life as a river, with its tides, currents, and eddies. If we fight against the current, we tire and falter. But if we surrender to it, letting it guide us, we might just find ourselves exactly where we’re meant to be.

As Seneca wisely said, “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.” So let’s set our sails with intention, trusting that each change is bringing us closer to the destination that’s meant for us.