Journal // 24th April 2024
On this day I…
Woke up at 06:55 and crawled out of bed at 07:15. This time I had to force myself. This might have something to do with this;
At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I'm going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?”
I’d heard this or read it the last night and when I woke up this morning it resonated. So, for the first time in months, I forced myself out of bed at the time I wanted to get up.
Yesterday my alarm went off at 06:55 but I didn’t get out of bed until after 09:00. This I didn’t like.
Reading list
Robert Greene;
The 48 Laws of Power - Law 9 - Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Arguments.
The Daily Laws - April 24th. - Avoid The False Alliance.
Mastery - Page 146 -165. Strategies for Acquiring Social Intelligence.
Steven Pressfield;
The Daily Pressfield - Day 2. - Get Up! Begin Your Day!
Ryan Holiday;
The Daily Stoic, April 24th - A Productive Use For Contempt. The Quote: Meditations, 6.13.
Discipline is Destiny.
Marcus Aurelius;
Ben Horowitz;
The Hard Thing About Hard Things.
The above seems like a lot. And yeah it is, But I’d rather read than sit around watching TV all day. Discipline is Destiny and The Hard Thing About Hard Things was read and listened to via Audible (at 2x speed). And I started listening to The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene.
Yes, Jason read a lot today.
Jason likes reading.
I’m not entirely sure I want to do this daily journal on my blog every day. Maybe for now just the days I’m not working at the bar (Thurs-Sat).
I’m trying to come up with a training program. To reach peak physical fitness. Or at least as Peak as a 47-year-old can get starting from scratch.
Yeah okay, it’s not like I have never worked out, but I haven’t put any real effort into it since Late December.
I need a gym. But not one of the commercial gyms like Pure Gym or LA Fitness. I hate those places. I need to find a smaller, independent gym.
I guess the idea is to train my Mind - Body - Intellect to be better than I am right now. To prove that at my age, and others between 45 and 50+ can in fact start from unhealthy or average and not only get fit, healthy and more mindful but also increase their life spans through the four Stoic virtues.
I’ll post here. Make weekly or bi-weekly videos on the subjects.
Not sure whether I want the “Daily” journals to be this long though. I’d rather keep them short and sweet.
I’m a Professional Photographer who dabbles in Writing and Documentary Film Making.
I’ve recently quit my job of three and a half years as a Bartender/Manager. Photography began as a hobby and quickly became a passion.
I’m a Professional Photographer, Filmmaker, Writer/Author and this website is where I’m going to document all of it. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Event Portfolio
Street Portfolio