Why Head Trip Chronicles?
I’d like to say it’s hard to explain, but it’s not. It’s actually very simple.
Many, many, many years ago, I started a WordPress website. And like 99.999% of people who create a website (the same is valid when you sign up for your first email address. Mine was EvilAsh61@Hotmail.com. Yes, embarrassing, let's move on, shall we), they come up with the name the moment that they decide to start a website. Yes, WordPress asked me for a domain name, and my mind was as empty as the gap between Boris Johnson's (Insert whoever PM is) ears. In truth, I sat for 15 minutes or so doing what everyone else in that situation did; I looked around the room, looking for something to use. I hope something will grab my imagination. The two books below were sitting much as they are here and there you are.
These two books were on my desk, having been delivered that morning. It’s all I could come up with on the spot, and for years ‘HeadTripChronicles.com’ was where I posted my thoughts. Of course, back then, I was far less interested.
Years later, I decided to set up another website. The only name that comes to mind is. People like to think that it has some meaning, that I spent hours writing down words and ideas. But in truth, I looked to my right and saw two books.