I Quit

Yesterday was my last day working as a Bartender/Manager at one of the world's most famous whisky bars. I won't go into why I left, are no bad feelings.

So, what now?

Photography, Videography, Philosophy, Travel, Writing, Health & Fitness? I have no idea. Starting from scratch, I must figure out how to turn this into an income. I'll post everything here in this blog, detailing my progress with my Youtube channel and any photo work I get. The book I'm (trying to) write is the biggest project of them all, Me and my documentary field trip to (redacted) has been on my mind since 2004.

This progress, trial and error, will be posted here and on my personal Instagram, leaving the "professional" stuff on all other platforms that will be given a professional makeover (hopefully before this blog goes live).

I also need to develop some habits, like going to bed, getting up early, turning up and getting the work done. I've set up a schedule to allow me to build the habits over time. A morning routine, exercise, healthy eating, writing my book, setting up a business around photography and documentary filmmaking and producing something worth watching. Remember I'll need to learn all the skills to accomplish this. The goal is to be self-sustainable in a year or two.


The Next Chapter


Yeah well, it’s been fun.