Journal // 24th July 2024

On this day I…

Unlike last week, where I had three of the four weekly blog posts written on the Monday, this week, I’m kinda struggling to get them done, mostly due to the fact that not much worth talking about has happened.

Except of course my usual loathing of getting home at 2 am three days a week. And how that always screws up my Sundays…

I’ll try not to bore you with more of the same.

Last week, has just been kinda, Meh. Not much going on beyond the usual so here I am again writing about having nothing to write about.

I also haven’t shot a single piece of footage for today’s videos. Usually, by this point I have at least two-thirds of it done. Not this week.

My Sunday was more screwed than usual, and I’ve been so lethargic the pasted few days that I just couldn’t be bothered. Even though It would primarily be about my new obsession… Read Monday’s post.

Oh, I changed the word Blog in the links up top to Word Hoard. Again, my new obsession.

Sorry, not sorry.

This, of course, will screw up all the links to my blog posts… AWESOME.

Cool, not much else to say, frankly.

So I saw this and replied, then I figured I’d explain why, here.

I didn’t mean to be vague, I just wanted to get across the fact that I don’t like living in a space that is full to breaking point with people.

Just walking the last 0.8 of a mile to work is too much interaction with people. Everyone has an air of superiority about themselves. Everyone living in Main Character mode.

Having to move around people or stop so as not to walk into them because they are too preoccupied with their phones to see anything else that is happening around them.

I want to grab their phones, a toss them aside.

This phone-zombie state that people seem to live in also causes them walk on a meandering path. Straight lines I guess are a a little too passé for the 2024 DEI-loving crowd.

Having to travel to London for work or entertainment means dealing with millions of potential arseholes.

And yes, I’ve been one of them. I hate that it does that to me.

Warm weather attracts people. Why would I want to live in a place that has lots of people?

Sure the weather might be nice more of the time but you’d still be dealing with self-absorbed, entitled, people living in their own fantasy land. Their own version of Grand Theft Auto where they are the main character and everyone else exists to simply, ‘fill the place out’.

If and when you go against your programming, you are automatically in the wrong!

You should watch where you’re going because I’m not.” - One of BILLIONS.

Phones make people stupid. They make them forget that they are part of a whole. A society. A collection of people all trying to make the most of what they have. But what they have, usually, isn’t enough. They want more, or rather they believe they deserve more.

This is why I can’t stand people. In general.

Okay, sure, I work as a bartender. But behind that bar, I’m in control. The customer doesn’t know best, I do. The customer isn’t always right, I am.

Warmer weather brings people. More people more problems.

Living above the Arctic Circle means predominantly colder weather most of the time. I like colder weather, it doesn't bother me. I’m cool with it…


Colder weather means fewer people.

Fewer people means less hassle, less annoyance, and no need to kill people.

Fewer people means more peace, more space, and no one to kill.

I went to the English countryside a little while back (here) and the quiet was intoxicating. No planes overhead. No police sirens in the distance. No construction within earshot. On a half-mile walk to a pub, we encountered three cars.

Okay I don’t need then cold, it is preferred, but I don’t need it. I just need to be somewhere other people aren’t.

I’m a Professional Photographer who dabbles in Writing and Documentary Film Making.

I’ve recently quit my job of three and a half years as a Bartender/Manager. Photography began as a hobby and quickly became a passion.

I’m a Professional Photographer, Filmmaker, Writer/Author and this website is where I’m going to document all of it. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Event Portfolio

Street Portfolio



It’s Not Been a Good week


Journal // 23rd July 2024