Journal // 4th June 2024
On this day I…
“The need to develop this empathy is greater than ever. Various studies have indicated a gradual increase in levels of self-absorption and narcissism in young people since the late 1970s, with a much higher spike since 2000. Much of this can be attributed to technology and the internet. People simply spend less time in social interactions and more time socializing online, which makes it increasingly difficult to develop empathy and sharpen social skills. Like any skill, empathy comes through the quality of attention. If your attention is continually interrupted by the need to look at your smartphone, you are never really gaining a foothold in the feelings or perspectives of other people. You are continually drawn back to yourself, flitting about the surface of social interactions, never really engaging. Even in a crowd, you remain essentially alone. People come to serve a function not to bond with but to placate your insecurities.”
- Robert Greene. Laws of Human Nature.
Now think about the state of the influencer, whether that be Instagram, TikTok or one of the many live streaming platforms (Twitch, Kick). We are seeing of late a lot of news about these people and their inability to understand how humans work.
Their NEED to be liked and seen by as many people as possible feeds their desire to push the boundaries of human decency. This need often sees them in trouble with the law.
But they NEED it. They crave it like a drug they can’t live without it. Because without it, they are just like you and me. Anonymous. Just another person posting to social media and getting lost in the crowd of an infinite flow of images and status updates.
They can’t live in a world where they are a nobody, so they go to even more extremes to make sure they are seen.
This then becomes a game, between them, of who can go the furthest. Who can draw the biggest crowd? The most views, likes, and heart emojis.
They have become detached from reality. Living in an imaginary world of their own creation. One in which they are the “Main Character” and all eyes must be on them.
Those who feed this need, the poor souls who have little else and become trapped on the narcissism train, unable (or unwilling) to get off, feel like they are contributing to all this. Likely because they have little else. Their brains are constantly being fed the dopamine it craves while watching these people self-destruct.
It’s that self-destruction that keeps them watching. Why do you think ‘cringe’ (reality) TV is so popular?
We love that feeling of uncomfortableness while watching others implode. And that I guess is the answer, we love watching OTHERS implode. As long as it’s not us, right?
Sure, until we feel the need to be seen. To be seen more than we are now anyway. So we pick up the 21st Century idiot box (your phone), create an account on a live-streaming platform and get started.
But nothing is happening?
So we go to a supermarket in our underwear. And so begins the rise of your popularity, among pre-pubescent teens and lonely basement-dwelling adults who feed the need to be attached to something greater than themselves.
While their self-esteem plummets, the egos of the new rising stars of Live-Streaming go stratospheric and the cycle goes on. Getting ever more unhinged.
How do I end this blog post?
I could lead y’all in a sermon to help our wayward influencer fellows, but I doubt they’d listen… There are no views or heart emojis in it for them.
So, instead, I’ll just say this. Have pity on these fools. And understand that soon, once all their online clout and money is gone, and you see them flipping burgers at your local McDonald’s. Don’t point and laugh. Don’t remind them of who they used to be. Instead, give them a tip ($They’ll need it$).
I’m a Professional Photographer who dabbles in Writing and Documentary Film Making.
I’ve recently quit my job of three and a half years as a Bartender/Manager. Photography began as a hobby and quickly became a passion.
I’m a Professional Photographer, Filmmaker, Writer/Author and this website is where I’m going to document all of it. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Event Portfolio
Street Portfolio